Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dial 1-800-CHR-ISTI

I went down to my favorite place today, to partake of one of my favorite things:  a Day of Recollection at the Carmelite Institute of Spirituality in Stanwood, WA.  The back way I had to take because of the bridge collapse ended up being shorter and much nicer.  It reminded me of home, driving through agricultural areas, with fields, and tractors, and cattle.  I think even once the bridge is re-built I will continue to travel that way.

Fr. Laurence Poncini, OCD, (Mt. Angel House of Studies) was visiting and gave a talk on Claude Newman.  Ever heard of him?  I hadn't, but his story is very intriguing.  I highly recommend you taking the time to read it.

One part I especially liked was when he was describing Our Lady telling him about confession:  "You know, the Lady said that Confession is something like a telephone. We talk through the priest to God, and God talks back to us through the priest."    Fr. Laurence said he really liked how modern Mary was . . . he supposed that today we'd say "cell phone", or if we really liked the priest we could call him a "smart phone"!! :-)

I have been quite impressed with these Carmelites.  I'm never in a hurry to leave.  And I have yet to have one say he didn't have time to hear my confession.  

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